Andre Bouchard disregarded both the No Contacts in place against him for theft of father and sister's cellular phones and sent Lynda Staub, Claire Demery thefollowing day after being arrested, this after numerous non-stop telephone calls from Lynda Staub, with a pre-signed agreement in violation of the "No Contact" which he NEVER HAD ANY INTENTIONS OF HONOURING. (Click here.) Andy Bouchard drove his father to the Headingley RCMP Detachment first thing the following morning to havehis father drop the "Theft Charge"against him for stealing his father's property & VISA card!
Lynda Staub herself submitted this form to the RCMP and not the "victimized sister" who realized quickly realized her siblings had no intention of honoring the agreement that went along with this "release" initiated by Andy Bouchard, written by Lynda Staub on January30, 2006, the day after "No Contact"in placeagainstAndy Bouchard who sent his sisters to negotiateon hisbehalf.
Letter drafted by Lynda Staub on behalf of Andy Bouchard, obstructing justice and breaching the two "No Contact"
Orders in place the day before! Total disregard for the law!
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