Helene Johnson, living in Wisconsin, was easily fed lies by her siblings of Manitoba, and knowingly or unknowingly used as a "puppet" by Manitoba siblings to come against sister from B.C.
In the following email, Helene Johnson makes numerous accusations without checking out any of her facts. In this instance, Helene emailed her sister accusing her of charging her mother's credit card only to have mother deny it, rather it was passed off as "a mistake".
We suspect Lynda Staub deliberately "misread" her mother's statement to cause this problem.
Notice Helene's vulgar language and furious tone of email.
Note Helene's accusation that her sister used "another of her mother's credit cards". Sister from B.C. never had access to mother's cards ever! This is another in a series of lies Helene Johnson fed by Manitoba siblings to cause division between mother and daughter as Andy Bouchard, Lynda Staub and Claire Demery were ensuring that mother mistrust EVERYONE BUT THEM,
including oldest and youngest as these siblings were already "eyeing" their mother and step-father's estate for years and who Lynda Staub deliberately excluded from her mother's will at a time when her mother was heavily medicated on morphine and unaware of what was going on around her as she was manipulated for the final year of her life. by these abusers.
In another email, Helene Johnson accusings same sister of purchasing a ladder for her father to fall off. The truth is that on the day of discharge from hospital, Lionel Boucahrd purchased at London Drugs a three step stool to reach the top cupboards of his kitchen. That is how twisted the story got after her Manitoba siblings finished embellishing the story in order to have Helene Johnson come against sister from B.C. to discourage her from coming to her father's aid.
1. Only one "living will" (demanding no pyschiatric assessments) sworn by Lionel
Bouchard at lawyer's office on January 27, 2006, stolen with binder at Lionel Bouchard's
home, returned to sister by RCMP and at a later meeting in front of Sgt. Gibbs at Headingley
RCMP Detachment again stolen by Andy Bouchard on the pretense of photocopying
documents whereby Andy Bouchard never returned the original to his sister. At the Holiday
Inn, Lynda Staub and Claire Demery signed in the witness area without even being requested
to do so.
2. Lionel Bouchard once aware that he had been deceived at the Grace Hospital in signing
this document which he had been vehemently refusing to sign for over half an hour,
then revoked the power of attorney (made out in favour of Andy Bouchard & Lynda Staub
drafted at Andy Bouchard's lawyer's in Portage La Prairie) and named Claire Demery as power
of attorney, in hindsight a mistake.
3. In Lynda's email, she states that her father does not want anyone to clean his
house, but that she would "convince him" to let them do so despite his refusal.
4. Lionel Bouchard purchased several bottles of prune juice as opposed to taking laxatives
which compounded the problem. Lynda Staub made a special trip to London Drugs
to use a coupon for a rain check for Lionel Bouchard, so when did it become an issue?
3. The fact is the medication which Lionel Bouchard complained made him groggy was
prescribed for dementia which he was never diagnosed for and which the nurse advised
not to fill the prescription until conferring with family physician.
(Click here.)
Bouchard at lawyer's office on January 27, 2006, stolen with binder at Lionel Bouchard's
home, returned to sister by RCMP and at a later meeting in front of Sgt. Gibbs at Headingley
RCMP Detachment again stolen by Andy Bouchard on the pretense of photocopying
documents whereby Andy Bouchard never returned the original to his sister. At the Holiday
Inn, Lynda Staub and Claire Demery signed in the witness area without even being requested
to do so.
2. Lionel Bouchard once aware that he had been deceived at the Grace Hospital in signing
this document which he had been vehemently refusing to sign for over half an hour,
then revoked the power of attorney (made out in favour of Andy Bouchard & Lynda Staub
drafted at Andy Bouchard's lawyer's in Portage La Prairie) and named Claire Demery as power
of attorney, in hindsight a mistake.
3. In Lynda's email, she states that her father does not want anyone to clean his
house, but that she would "convince him" to let them do so despite his refusal.
4. Lionel Bouchard purchased several bottles of prune juice as opposed to taking laxatives
which compounded the problem. Lynda Staub made a special trip to London Drugs
to use a coupon for a rain check for Lionel Bouchard, so when did it become an issue?
3. The fact is the medication which Lionel Bouchard complained made him groggy was
prescribed for dementia which he was never diagnosed for and which the nurse advised
not to fill the prescription until conferring with family physician.
(Click here.)