First of series of False Accusations using the legal system to
come against sister from B.C. to ensure father's legal rights to
his life estate not honoured!
February 15, 2006 - Peace Bonds Dismissed
In their own testimony, under oath, Lynda Staub states that there was no issues with her sister until five or since months prior that her sister has done things behind our back-meanwhile these abusers, without any other siblings knowledge, forced their father to sign a rental application at the hospital for the St. Eustache Manor based on a lie that "home care did not go to Elie" - the excuse given to their father.
Andy Bouchard & Lynda Staub denied to the rest of the family that there was "life estate agreement" between their father and Andy Bouchard. Rather in Angie Bouchard's email to siblings to throw them off, Angie she stated that they had allowed Lionel Bouchard to stay on the farm "rent free" for "sentimental reasons".
Andy and Angie Bouchard, Lynda Staub, Claire Demery had no legal right whatsoever to evict their father from his home. They were aware of that and were also aware that their sister from B.C. was there to ensure that they honoured that agreement and did not commit or evict their father and that is what was in dispute as per the judges comments.
Andy Bouchard conveniently uses the term "we" to implicate siblings when he is the puppet master manipulating his siblings to take the focus of his actions.
Andy Bouchard commenced the personal injury suit, using the power of attorney he tricked his father into signing. In the testimony heard on February 15, 2006, the sister from B.C. was blamed for initiating the lawsuit.
At no time did Lionel Bouchard ever attend to Andy Bouchard's lawyer's office in Portage La Prairie to request a power of attorney in favour of Andy Bouchard and Lynda Staub. Nor did Lionel Bouchard ever discuss at any time the desire to move from his farm home. Lionel Bouchard was 5th in line for the waiting list in Elie so there would have been no discussion in any case. At no time did he ever indicate any desire to move to the St. Eustache Manor which his brother-in-law detested and eventually moved out of.
Peace Bonds Dismissed
Applications - Andy Bouchard
- Lionel Bouchard
- Lynda Staub
- Claire Demery
Transcript of Proceedings
Lionel Bouchard - Testimony
Lynda Staub - Testimony
Claire Demery - Testimony
Andy Bouchard - Testimony
Four Peace Bonds Dismissed!
Note in the Exhibits below the numerous times the family abusers "perjured" themselves in their under oath testimonies!
Exhibit A - Andy Bouchard arrested on two counts of theft of his father's and sister's
cellular phones and two No Contacts against Andy Bouchard in favour of
father and sister.
Exhibit B - Email from Lynda Staub admitting to "break and enter" at her daughter's.
Exhibit C - Typed list of questions drawn up for Lionel Bouchard who was asked by
family abusers to present to the judge.
Exhibit C - Agreements signed January 30, 2006, by family abusers to allow their father to
remain in his home.
Exhibit E - Agreement signed on February 11, 2006, stating that
Exhibit B - Article from Ann Landers. Lynda Staub's claim is that her sister is referring to
to there "trying to kill their father". The truth is that they email refers to an
an article cut from the newspaper by Lionel Bouchard's sister Madeleine
Fillion who was expressing her disgust with how his very own children were
treating him!
Exhibit G - Lynda Staub's accusation of stolen passport in Andy Bouchard's possession.
Exhibit H - Cancellation Room in St. Eustache January 27, 2006
Exhibit I - Life Estate Definition
Exhibit J - Life Estate registered on title February 21, 2008
Exhibit K - Unpaid Vendor Caveat for Mortgage registered on title February 21, 2008
Exhibit L - Security Firm posted overnight, hired by Andy Bouchard to isolate father from
daughter so as to ensure he was not taken to a lawyer to enforce his rights to his
home as directed by the Judge in Portage La Prairie when dismissing Peace
Bond applications
Exhibit M - Wild accusations. How could Lynda Staub see through walls and claim she saw
her sister doing "papers" in her Uncle's Room. Also where is the proof of the
"listening devices"? Anyone who has been at the St. Eustache Manor knows the
walls are paper thin, and conversations can be heard up and down the
Exhibit N - Lionel Bouchard brought to Bruce Jamieson, a Mental Health Worker,
immediately after court and then at the St. Eustache Manor later that same day
and not an independent mediator as recommended by Judge who dismissed
Peace Bonds
Exhibit O - Right to Occupancy signed September 2002 which Andy Bouchard denied
existed and which Lynda Staub claimed was "only verbal"!
Exhibit P - Andy Bouchard already determined on January 9, 2006, that his father was
Applications - Andy Bouchard
- Lionel Bouchard
- Lynda Staub
- Claire Demery
Transcript of Proceedings
Lionel Bouchard - Testimony
Lynda Staub - Testimony
Claire Demery - Testimony
Andy Bouchard - Testimony
Four Peace Bonds Dismissed!
Note in the Exhibits below the numerous times the family abusers "perjured" themselves in their under oath testimonies!
Exhibit A - Andy Bouchard arrested on two counts of theft of his father's and sister's
cellular phones and two No Contacts against Andy Bouchard in favour of
father and sister.
Exhibit B - Email from Lynda Staub admitting to "break and enter" at her daughter's.
Exhibit C - Typed list of questions drawn up for Lionel Bouchard who was asked by
family abusers to present to the judge.
Exhibit C - Agreements signed January 30, 2006, by family abusers to allow their father to
remain in his home.
Exhibit E - Agreement signed on February 11, 2006, stating that
Exhibit B - Article from Ann Landers. Lynda Staub's claim is that her sister is referring to
to there "trying to kill their father". The truth is that they email refers to an
an article cut from the newspaper by Lionel Bouchard's sister Madeleine
Fillion who was expressing her disgust with how his very own children were
treating him!
Exhibit G - Lynda Staub's accusation of stolen passport in Andy Bouchard's possession.
Exhibit H - Cancellation Room in St. Eustache January 27, 2006
Exhibit I - Life Estate Definition
Exhibit J - Life Estate registered on title February 21, 2008
Exhibit K - Unpaid Vendor Caveat for Mortgage registered on title February 21, 2008
Exhibit L - Security Firm posted overnight, hired by Andy Bouchard to isolate father from
daughter so as to ensure he was not taken to a lawyer to enforce his rights to his
home as directed by the Judge in Portage La Prairie when dismissing Peace
Bond applications
Exhibit M - Wild accusations. How could Lynda Staub see through walls and claim she saw
her sister doing "papers" in her Uncle's Room. Also where is the proof of the
"listening devices"? Anyone who has been at the St. Eustache Manor knows the
walls are paper thin, and conversations can be heard up and down the
Exhibit N - Lionel Bouchard brought to Bruce Jamieson, a Mental Health Worker,
immediately after court and then at the St. Eustache Manor later that same day
and not an independent mediator as recommended by Judge who dismissed
Peace Bonds
Exhibit O - Right to Occupancy signed September 2002 which Andy Bouchard denied
existed and which Lynda Staub claimed was "only verbal"!
Exhibit P - Andy Bouchard already determined on January 9, 2006, that his father was