Lynda Staub Document Examiner Winnipeg Land Titles office. (Audio clip.)
Lynda Staub indicates she has worked at Winnipeg Land Titles office for the past twenty plus years.
Mandatory registration period according to their regulations is five business days.
Lynda Staub employee withholding timely registrations from the mandatory five day period~ complaint lodged by Lionel Bouchard,her father,with regards to several family related titleswithheld for two and three months delay ~ contrary to regulations!
Not registering and concealing the fact that there is a mortgage, caveat, or other to deceive the general public, family,banks or othercreditors reviewing the properties is not properly identifying and possibly showing "clear title" or a false picture whereby further equity can be further drawn on the property.
Of special interest would be property for which Lynda Staub had power of attorney over, Jeannette Van Steelant's property, possibly to fund a chid's education, etc., where she may have as shown she has done repeatedly may still be "outstanding".
Lynda Staub, having "insider confidential information", would be in a position to present to the Court house probate documents from a deceased farmer's property, possibly one which she and her brother may have had dealings with, and are in possessionof "pre-signed" forms as in step-father's case.
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