Family-Abuse-on-Trial Strategic Alliance Politicians, Organizations, etc.
- Prime Minister Canada - Stephen Harper, Ottawa - M.P. Seniors - Alice Wong, Ottawa, Ont. - M.P. - Attorney General, Ottawa, Ont. - Premier - Parliament, Winnipeg, MB - Attorney General - Parliament, Wpg. - M.L.A.'s Parliament, Winnipeg. MB - Judges - Winnipeg Law Courts, MB - Age & Opportunity, Winnipeg, MB - Public Trustee, Winnipeg, MB - Law Society Winnipeg, MB - Winnipeg Land Titles, MB - City Hall Winnipeg, MB - Manitoba Housing, MB - RCMP Headquarters, MB - St. James RCMP, MB - Richardson Building, MB - Law Firms, Winnipeg, MB - Winnipeg Free Press, MB - Winnipeg Stadium, MB - Polo Park Mall, Winnipeg, MB - Red River Exhibition, Winnipeg - Portage La Prairie Law Courts, MB - RCMP Portage La Prairie, MB - Land Titles, Portage La Prairie, MB - Hospital, Portage La Prairie, MB - Stonewall Town , MB - City Hall, Stonewall, MB - Arborg Town, MB - City Hall, Arborg, MB - Teulon Town, MB - Calgary Law Courts, AB - City Hall, Calgary, AB - Calgary Stampede, AB - Edmonton City, AB - Parliament Bldg., Edmonton, AB - Law Courts, Edmonton, AB - City Hall, Edmonton, AB - University Hospital, Edmonton, AB - St. Albert Town, AB - Lloydminster City Centre, Sask. - Loydminster City Hall, Sask. - Jasper City, AB - Kelowna City, B.C. - Law Courts, Kelowna, B.C. - City Hall, Kelowna, B.C. - Hinton, B.C. - Victoria City, Vancouver Island, B.C. - Parliament Bldg, Victoria, B.C. - Premier - Christy Clark, Victoria, B.C. - M.L.A.'s Parliament Bldg. Victoria, B.C. - M.L.A. Carole James, Victoria, B.C. - Law Courts, Victoria, B.C. - City Hall, Victoria, B.C. - Royal Museum, Victoria, B.C. - Ogden Point Cruiseships, B.C. - Campbell River, B.C. - Court House, Campbell River, B.C. - Lawyers, Campbell River, B.C. - Comox Town, B.C. - Comox Air Force Base, B.C. - Comox City Hall, B.C. - Comox Hospital, B.C. - Parksville, B.C. - Nanaimo City, B.C. - Ladysmith, B.C. - Courtenay, B.C. - Cowichan, B.C. - Saanich City Hall, B.C. - Saanich RCMP, B.C. - Big Bend, Wisconsin - Aurora Health Centre, WI - Montreal, Quebec - Ottawa - Parliament Buildings - 2013 - Toronto, Ontario - Mississauga, Ontario - Scarborough, Ontario - Hamilton, Ontario - Winnipeg, Manitoba - 2013 - Law Courts - Judges, Justice of the Peace, Crown, Lawyers - Law Society - Public Trustee - Winnipeg Police Commissioner - Age & Opportunity - Senior Abuse Organizations - Senior & Healthy Aging Secretariat - Media -Medicine Hat, Saskatchewan -2013 - Regina, Alberta - 2013 - Kenora, Ontario - 2013
Informed and Concerned parties across Canada cognizant with the Bouchard Family Abuse Case!
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