January 31, 2006, the day after Andy Bouchard was charged with two counts of theft by his father and sister for stealing both their cellular phones.
In retaliation, Andy Bouchard attended to the RCMP Headingley Detachment to file "false chargesof uttering threats" against his sister one of the victims of Andy's thievery.
Article out of the Winnipeg Free Press, provided by supporter and godmother Madeleine Fillion with respect to her opinion with regards to how despicable her brother Lionel Bouchardwas being treated y his own children in evicting him from his home of fiftyyears!
Andy Bouchard turned this article around atthe RCMP, claiming his sister was accusing himof killing his father, when merelyquoting DearAnn article supplied by Madeleine (Bouchard) Fillion. Andy Bouchard, by virtue of his wife's connections at the Portage Agassiz Youth Centre is well-versed in "twisting" evidence to lay false charges against anyone who stands up against him.
There is evidence on RCMP records that Andy Bouchard had breached the "No Contact" ordersplaced on himin favour of his father Lionel Bouchard and sister fromB.C. as a result of the two charges of theft placed on January 30, 2006, yet the RCMP did not this breach seriously which is how the situation got totally out of hand as this breach was evidence Andy Bouchard does not abide or respect the law because if he did, he would have honored his father and his agreement regarding the life estate...
In the first instance, Andy Bouchard sent his wife Angie Bouchard to Lionel Bouchard's home, where Angie Bouchardyelled obscenities at her sister-in-law, telling her in no uncertain terms, using vulgar language, telling her to get out of her father's house.
Lynda Staub had already put her sister's luggage outside in the snowbank.
Claire Demery was also in attendance while Andy was outside in his pickup.
The following day, Andy Bouchard had already pre-signed an agreement Andy presented to all parties at his father's house while Lynda Staub and Claire Demery were in attendance, in order to have the theft charges dropped.
At no time did Andy Bouchard ever have any intentions of allowing his father to remain in his home, in accordance with all their signatures.
This agreement was simply a ploy designed to get their sister back to Vancouver, B.C. in order for Andy to move his father without any interference, or knowledge to out-of-town familymembers.
Moving was against his father's well-expressedwishesto theHedingley RCMP and in histestimony when laying theft charges against Andy Bouchard on January 29, 2006.
Senior Abuse, is blatant to anyone reviewing this case, taking advantage of a vulnerable senior justdischarged from the hospital from one month hospitalization for a concussion from which everyone agreed he had recovered a 100%!
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