False accusation of "Assault" by Lionel Bouchard Refer to Audio below from Lionel Bouchard re NO ASSAULT!!!!
Lionel Bouchard in conversation with his daughter in B.C. in 2009 confessed "No Assault Occurred!" Lionel Bouchard's false allegations caused his daughter of B.C. to spend nearly four months in pre-trial in Winnipeg, arrested on false charges of assault by her very own father.
Lionel Bouchard at trial six months later and in B.C. conceded that he had been coerced by Andy Bouchard to lay such false charges to keep his daughter out of Manitoba in order to isolate him from help to enforce his life estate entered into with Andy Bouchard in 2002.
In order to evict his father from his home of over 50 years, Andy Bouchard was denying existence of such a legal document, afterdestroying all his father's paperwork from his home while his father was in the hospital recovering from a concussion as a result of a slip and fall on ice while attending a friend's funeral in December 2005!
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