Helene Johnson X-Ray Technician Big Bend, Wisconsin
Helene dispalyed such animosity in her conversations with her father - Lionel Bouchard, yet puts on a great "face" for a photo. Listen to her "heart" below in how she detests her father ~ evidenced in her own words.
Helene Johnson of Big Bend, Wisconsin, deceived by Andy Bouchard, Lynda Staub & Claire Demery? Helene refused to search for the truth.
There was no"ladder" as she claimed her sister had purchased rather her father purchased a three-step stool to reach the top cupboards to avoid any further falls, the prune juice was due to the fact that her father was very constipated at the hospital due to the medication and inactivity.
The document Helene's refers to was stolen by Andy Bouchard when he grabbed it from his sister's hands at the Headingley Detachment - on the pretense of photocopying it whereby Andy did not return the document.
Helene stated there was "no trap" at the Holiday Inn.
In the States, Helene would be unaware, unless informed by Andy Bouchard, who had set up this "ambush" to gethis sisters cooperation to remove their father from hishis home of over fifty years in Elie, Manitoba.
With respect to the medication, the discharge nurse advised Lionel Bouchard not to fill the prescription "olanzepine" - the drug that was making him "groggy" but to check with his own doctor the following week.
Hélene (Bouchard) Johnson reacting to her siblings misinformation and used to attack sister from B.C. (Click here.)
Helene Johnson using foul language in her emails to her sister frustrated after being lied to by her brother and sisters in Manitoba. (Click here.)
Email to Helene Johnson re insisting her father move out!
Helene Johnson states that Andy has been more than fair letting Dad live for free on the farm!!!!! Andy obviously has been deceiving her in not admitting his agreement with his father to get her on board to come against her father and Marlene.
Andy Bouchard has deceived siblings that he was "more than fair letting Dad live for free on the farm"! Andy hid the truth of the existing life estate agreement entered at time of sale when Andy pressuredhis father to sell him the second half of the property.
Helene Johnson's telephone call to her father on May 2008 ~ threatening her father, pressuring, emotionally trying to lay a guilt trip, letting him know that he is responsible for "breaking up the family". Andy is furious Lionel Bouchard is following his lawyer's advice in getting away from Manitoba.
Helene deliberately refused to invite her very own her own father to her daughter's wedding!
Obvious by Helene's comments that she too was deceived by her brother unaware with respect to the living arrangements Andy has with his own father with respect to a life estate!
Helene's attacks on her father evidently have him reeling in fear as Lionel Bouchard is extremely nervous trying to carry on a normal conversation with Helene amidst her barage of questioning and false accusations and agressive intimidation.