Andy Bouchard "plotting to commit his father"
already having stated to numerous people that
Andy Bouchard's Actions
- Lack of Moral Compass -
Andy Bouchard's Background:
- told his sister in the '70's that their father was not allowed in his house in the
original farm house on the homestead in Elie (possibly because he caught
Andy Bouchard having an affair in his home upstairs while his wife was at work
- January 2012 Andy attended father's birthday party and left immediately with a take-
0ut order of Chinese food after Winnipeg Land Titles released the caveat at that time.
- Andy told others that he wasn't involved with his dad anymore most likely made an
appearance "for show" as the caveat for life estate signed in September 27, 2011, was
still held in Winnipeg Land Titles by the Deputy Registrar who had been put on "alert"
of Andy & Lynda's actions
- has refused to compensate his father for rent as agreed upon in January 2006 - threats on
father's birthday Jan 22, 2008 would have nothing further to do with him if father did
not sign paperwork at Michelle Dunbar's office at the Cartier Senior office in Elie
- told his sister in the '70's that he was a very small part-owner of Blights Dealership yet dismissed
- "fired" from Blights Farm Implement Dealership, in Portage La Prairie, as
per Andy's own testimony, as was Gary Dunbar & Andy Chabot
- previously worked for the now-bankrupt Ed Chabot dealership in Elie along with
Gord0n Demery (Claire Demery's ex-husband)
- part owner of Fisher Branch dealership with brother-in-law Gordon Demery, dealership
withdrawn due to questionable warranty claims
- Andy's father stated that he had observed stolen dealership equipment at the shed
at the homestead in Elie
- Lionel stated he saw "strange plants" he later learned were marijuana growing
on Andy property in Elie on the Bouchard homestead
- Lionel Bouchard stated to his first cousin that he was aware that Andy did hard-illegal drugs
- sold equipment to farmers in spring who could ill-afford it and repossessed the
equipment in the fall
- ordered original homestead new owners to run water line which upset at Andy's
- ordered another lot holder to build his own road as opposed to sharing the existing
driveway as previously agreed at time of sale by Lionel Bouchard whose lot Lionel sold, noting
to do with Andy
-misstated the age of original house of 100 years, and fraudulently stated that the
basement never flooded when, to the contrary, there was water every year
- brought in picture of another road which astute judge picked up on and Andy was
charged with dangerous driving when he ran a gravel truck off the road while Andy was talking
on his cellular while hauling wide farm equipment he forgot about, forcing the oncoming
truck to take the ditch to avoid a collision