"Unconscionable Sale"
Andy Bouchard was to have paid "fair market value",
Assessment based on prior years' evaluation at Portage Land
Titles and not to be used as "market value" upon sale of
property, as understated, as opposed to independant going
rate based on comparable properties at that time.
Going rate was $1,200 an acre. Despite agreement for fair
market value, Lionel Bouchard paid $675?
Lionel Bouchard questions how the property was appraised,
"cultivated" as opposed to "bush" and "yard area"?
No "independant legal advice" given to Lionel Bouchard ~ a
senior at time of sale and not at "arm's length related party".
The mortgage Lionel Bouchard carried for son Andy
Bouchard never registered on title, paving the way for Andy
Bouchard to draw equity on the apparently "unencumbered"
Lynda Staub, Lionel's daugthter, admitted to seeing her father
weekly and assisting him with his personal/business
paperwork. Yet Lynda Staub did not ensure that her father's
rights were protected in registering a mortgage on title or life
estate ~ especially in light of the fact that she worked at
Winnipeg Land Titles for the past twentyplus years!
Lionel Bouchard was hastily ushered into Andy Bouchard's lawyer's office in Portage La Prairie and told to "trust me" by Andy Bouchard. Lionel Bouchard had no independant legal advice. Neither mortage nor life estate were ever registered on title. Fair market value for an acre at that time was $1,200 an acre.