$185,000 mortgage taken out by Andy & Angie Bouchard, on December 14, 2005, two days beforeLionel Bouchard's slip and fall.
However the mortgage was not registered untilFebruary 13, 2006, "coincidentally" the day prior to the four Peace Bondapplications applied for against sister of B.C. who had flown out to assist her father in his quest to remain in his home of over fifty years.
The four Peace Bond applications in Portage La Prairie were dismissed. (Click here.) Of special interest is the fact that Lynda Staub who works at Winnipeg LandTitles commented to her step-father Robert Van Steelant that she was in the habit of witholding property registration to suit herself..... This mortgage taken out on December 14, 2005, yet not registered at Land Titles until February13, 2006, a full two months later when requirement to register is five days.
Delayed registration of mortgage held by Royal Bank Mortgage signed December 14, 2005 but not registered at Land Titles until February 13, 2006. Registration procedure is to register mortages/documents within five business days.Lynda Staub works at Winnipeg Land Titles office and had admitted to her step-father that she was in the habit of withholding registrations to suit herself. Portage Land Titles pointed out the discrepancy in this registration when title searched a second time.
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